Tag Archives: george saunders


Russell Banks, A PERMANENT MEMBER OF THE FAMILY & George Saunders (encore), TENTH OF DECEMBER

Russell Banks
Russell Banks
George Saunders
George Saunders

Novelist and short story writer Russell Banks talks about his new collection of stories, A PERMANENT MEMBER OF THE FAMILY. And George Saunders just received the National Book Award for his story collection, TENTH OF DECEMBER. We re-play Writers Voice associate producer Drew Adamek’s February 2013 interview with Saunders in the second half of the show.


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New Short Stories by George Saunders & Jennifer Haigh

George Saunders
Jennifer Haigh

George Saunders talks about his acclaimed new short story collection, TENTH OF DECEMBER. And Jennifer Haigh discusses her new collection, NEWS FROM HEAVEN: The Bakerton Stories.  Continue reading